Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Haunting of Doors.

The concept of doors is still etched in my brain. Events in life seems to match up too perfectly and the old saying of things happen for a reason almost loses its intentional purpose because everything keeps happening in some concise order that is more frightening that relieving. How quickly we open and close doors confuses me. One opportunity has a time limit, and there is a sense of this game to satisfy one's purpose before the door closes and another opens. And how do these doors know to keep opening its as if opportunity is less hopefully and more of something we should just expect. Then the idea of sadness and depression confuses me, if there is always another door opening then why does the one door that closes leaves us upset, is it because we got to the next level of the game without winning? My thoughts in the past few day are so jumbled in a cracked out manner that I can't help but wonder if curiosity truly killed the cat. If we were less curious of the next door opening maybe opportunities would just stop happening, and then would we not be living?

I guess that leaves me to the concept of locks.

Must ponder..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Isabel's Birthday Weekend!

To begin our journey through Isabels birthday we saw Ratatat at the Catylst, but we have no form of documentation, sadly. We did though, see dinosaurs and melting faces, while surrounded by some reallllllly hot boys.

before all that I, Alisa went to see Zion I on campus, it was fucking tight and free. no complaints there.

Saturday- Isabels real birthday
Dinner at I LOVE SUSHI then party at the basketball house with Kiren 40's and our new friend Carta Blanca. We tried to dance, but it was too fucking hot and sweaty. Lets turn on the effing air conditioning por favor!
Afterwards, the Robb sisters picked us up and we all went to A.M.'s house where we continued to party until the weeeee hours of the night.

Sunday- Day keg day
Rush party for Kappa Sigma included keggers, beerpong, jacuzzi, and slip-n-slides.
Later, met up with the boys and girls and went to see Adventureland.

Monday- schooooooooool

Tuesday- drunk bowling-turned to drunk laser tag at the boardwalk
With a crew of about 15 homies we drove to the boardwalk and found out that there was an hour and a half wait to bowl. NOT OKAY. so we ran through the arcade like we were 10 years old again and made it in time for the last game of LASER TAG.
Isabel's score was around 4600 and mine said fucking 0. BULLSHITTTTTTT I HIT SO MANY SHINING VESTS!
THEN went to Lily Pad and partied more.

-a and i